Historical Fiction Press   

Historical Fiction Press


Historical Fiction Press: Where the Past Comes Alive

At Historical Fiction Press, we believe that historical fiction has the power to transport readers to bygone eras. We champion authors who meticulously research and vividly recreate pivotal moments, immersing readers in the rich tapestry of history.

What We Look For: We seek manuscripts that demonstrate:

Periods and Settings We Love: Historical Fiction Press welcomes a diverse array of historical settings, including:

The Historical Fiction Press Advantage: We offer tailored support for authors who breathe life into history. We provide:

Success Stories: Historical Fiction Press has launched the careers of acclaimed historical novelists whose richly detailed works have captivated readers.

Submit Your Manuscript: If you have a historical fiction novel that sweeps readers into the past, we want to read it! Please visit our website for submission guidelines.

Discover Florida Publishers: While we may not physically reside in Florida, we welcome manuscripts that bring the state's unique history to life. To explore Florida-based publishing options, check out the options listed here.

Let Historical Fiction Press help you share your meticulously crafted historical fiction with the world. We're excited to journey into the past with you!